Hey kids, Today I had to make the sad decision to hold off on making anymore scarves and headbands.
Sad face.
Upsetting, but I had to pick between fun crafty craftness or nursing school. Unfortunately, nursing school FTW. Boo. BUT, this doesn't mean I won't be making pretty things in the future. It just simply means that I am no longer taking orders at this time.
Ok, folks. Our HOME page is now built. Since things have been under construction (and still are), I'll be adding new pages to sort out what the girls want to read and what the guys want to read. And also, for what everyone wants to read! Hunter and I make a pretty good team, so hopefully you will get some hardy har hars out of this blog, and also some useless info. As I already posted, I am in nursing school and Hunter is looking for jobs, so we may not update every single day. But we plan to post as much as we possibly can! Please come back and read and comment and piddle paddle whenever you remember to! We want to keep this thing going! 'Preciate ya!
Hi, I'm Hunter Smith, and I like to play video games and go on dates with Jodie. I just graduated from the universities, and now I'm looking for a job. I'm gonna use this to talk about things and stuff.
Video games I'm currently playing:
My blog posts won't be very structured. If you want structure, you can go look at a bridge.
Yes! My most awesome boyfriend, Hunter Smith, decided he is joining me in this blog. Sweet! He's hysterical. You'll love him and everything that goes through his mind. Enjoy!